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Gulmira Azatovna Yuldasheva
Jahongir Toirjonov


This article discusses the current topic of today, the development of social infrastructure. The rapid development of all spheres of the economy, firstly, required a sharp increase in the quality of the labor force due to the development of intelligence, health promotion, changes in labor motivations, which stimulated the development of various areas of social infrastructure, and secondly, a qualitatively new in technical and technological terms was created materially. -technical base in the sectors and areas of social infrastructure, which ensured the high efficiency of its functioning; thirdly, the deployment of the scientific and technological revolution in the sectors of material production was accompanied by a significant reduction in the number of employees, which created the possibility of a significant redistribution of labor in the service sector, including in the social infrastructure industry.

In this article special attention is paid to the solution of social infrastructure problems and ways of its solution.   The role of social infrastructure is to prepare intellectually developed, healthy and socially active citizens of working age.

In the course of this scientific study, a whole range of literary sources devoted to the development of the social infrastructure of Zagrebova, L., Anna Likhter, Andrey Yamshchikov, Akhapkin N. Yu., Kuznetsova T. E., Nikiforov L. V., was studied, and the resolutions of the President were also used Republic of Uzbekistan.

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