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M. M. Khitam Adas Kazem Al-Shuwaili


The researcher noticed, through his observation of the handball game, the teams’ lack of interest in the situation

Psychologically, so the researcher resorted to studying two variables that he believes are worthy of study and research, which are psychological skills and the orientation towards the dimensions of sporting excellence, due to their great role in influencing the level of the athlete and achieving excellence in the game he plays. The study included (first-class players of the Shatrah Club in Dhi Qar and used The researcher uses the descriptive method by using all...

From the psychological skills scale and the orientation scale towards the dimensions of sports excellence for the purpose of collecting information and data for the study and then processing it statistically. Using statistical methods, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, mean’ Hypothesis, simple correlation coefficient, one-sample t-test).

The researcher concluded

  • here is no significant relationship between the orientation toward self-control dimension of the excellence scale Mathematical and psychological skills dimensions The ability to visualize - the ability to Relaxation - the ability to cope with anxiety - the ability to focus attention and confidence With the self - motivation for athletic achievement, it did not achieve a moral connection

  • There is no significant relationship between the dimension of orientation towards a sense of responsibility and the scale Athletic excellence and the dimensions of psychological skills. The ability to relax - the ability to Confronting anxiety - the ability to focus attention - motivation for athletic achievement, film It achieved a significant correlation except with two dimensions of psychological skills It is (the ability to imagine - self-confidence.

  • There is no significant relationship between the dimension of orientation toward respect for others of the sports excellence scale and the dimensions of psychological skills: the ability to imagine - the ability to Coping with anxiety - ability to focus attention and self-confidence) did not achieve a correlation morally. Except for two dimensions of psychological skills, which are (the ability to relax - motivation for athletic achievement

The study made some recommendations, including:

Being guided by the importance of psychological skills as one of the factors for success and achieving the best sports results.

  • Seeking the assistance of a sports psychologist and coordinating between him and the coach for the success of the training process.

  • It is necessary for the sports psychologist to develop and develop psychological skills and the characteristic of orientation towards the dimensions of athletic excellence for handball players, with interest in identifying

  • Identify areas of strength and weakness, observe their development, and continue evaluating them with recording Rates for each player.

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