Features of the Anatomical Structure of the Stem and Pedule With Preserved and Fallen Fruit Elements of the Cotton Plant
cotton, knot, boll, hydroponics, calcium, boll phase, heredityAbstract
The purpose of this study is to identify the presence or absence of differences in the anatomical structure of the stem with high (25-35 pieces) and low productivity, i.e. partially fallen fruit elements (8-16 pieces), as well as in the stalks of fallen and unfallen fruit elements. For this purpose, microtome and hand sections of the transverse, tangential and radial direction of 5-6 internodes were prepared after the fruit elements fell off. Before preparing preparations of the stem and stalks, pieces 0.5-1 cm long were taken and softened in a mixture of glycerin, ethyl alcohol and glacial acetic acid in a ratio of 1:1:1 in a thermostat at a temperature of 70% for a week.