The Importance of Tourism in the Economic Development of Regions


  • Meylikov Fazliddin Abduhalim o‘g‘li Shahrisabz branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology


tоurism, trаvel, incоme, dоmestic tоurism, fоreign tоurism, tоurism business, tоurist pоtentiаl.


This article analyse the economic essence and main directions of economic development of regions in the country. It shows the main indicators of economic development in the regions during today's economic processes. One of the main directions in the economic development of the regions is tourism. The article introduces the number of foreign tourists who visited the republic and regions based on scientific sources. Tourism is considered to be one of the steadily developing sectors of the world economy and has become a powerful catalyst of socio-economic development of not only developed but also developing countries and regions. Tourism is one of the important spheres of activity of the modern economy, and it is an economic system aimed at meeting people's needs and raising the standard of living of the population. Also, it consists of proposals and recommendations regarding the impact of attracting investments in increasing the tourism potential in the economic development of the regions. Additionalt, it gives information about how to increase the quality of life of the population and the increase in the volume of internal and external tourism in the economic development of the regions.


