Hypertextual Meaning of the Discourse Title in its Function As an Indexer and Tag-Descriptor of the Narrative


  • Gafurov Bakhtiyor Zakirovich Doctor of Sciences DSc in Philology, department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Russian language, Pedagogy and Psychology, Bukhara state medical institute


text, text code, narrative, index word, concept “blizzard”, discourse, discourse analysis, relational descriptors.


The presented scientific research is aimed at discursive analysis of a literary text through the prism of the linguistic phenomenon of hypertextuality and the methodology of its analysis. In general, the focus of this article is aimed at identifying the discursive process of hypertextuality from the point of view of modern linguistic realities in a literary work. According to my main thesis in this study, the logic of analysis boils down to the following: any text can be read as a hypertext, which is associated with the associativity of human thinking, and within the textual system - with the principle of intertextual and intratextual interaction.


