phrasal verb, phrasal units, idiom, lexeme, phrasal fusionAbstract
The article reveals the problem of researching phrasal verbs in English on the basis of a comparative analysis with other phrasal units and existing classifications. The author presents semantic and pragmatic characteristics of phrasal verbs in English, as well as their comparative description with other phraseological units. The relevance of the presented research is the increasing interest of scientists in the problems of phrasal verbs usage, as well as the lack of study of phraseological units in general, since phrasal verbs are a reflection of the language culture and contribute to the understanding of the uniqueness of English phraseology. The author of the article also analyses the main linguistic trends in the study of English phrasal verbs. The presented analysis is based on encyclopaedic, explanatory and phraseological dictionaries, as well as idioms dictionaries. The material presented in the article on the analysis of phrasal verb research leads to the conclusion that due to the constant narrowing or expansion of the meaning of the main verb component of the phrasal verb, it is impossible to make a precise classification of these verbs and attribute them to one particular group.